First of all, you are not alone, yes there are things that do go bump in the night. You are cleared that there are no psychological issues going on with you, so then you can proceed with clearing your place of living of negative or spiritual things.
There are different ways that you can clean your house from negative energies or spirits (sometime there are not bad, but you don’t want them there). All religions have their own ways, prayers and traditions it does not matter. What I will show you here has some Christian elements to it. But you can use your own spiritual beliefs.
I will tell you ways of cleaning your place of living. Be mindful that these do not have to be religious, but it is definitely spiritual. So, it does not matter if you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, ect… . These will work for you and your family. You can incorporate you own prayers to expel whatever is in your home if you like, whatever works for you.
A. The first technique, is the one that I learned is more traditional. First you buy incense, I like two kinds of incense for this. One is the “Go Away Evil” incense (I have seen this in sticks form or cones, but I use pellets), and the other one is the “Three Kings” incense. If you have a “Botanica” or a spiritual store near you, great!, if not, there are plenty online “Botanicas” where you can find them. I think that even Amazon has them. You probably need to buy a coal tablet and a vase to put it, as well. (Do put near places that can cause a fire)
When you have everything, light up the coal tablet put it in the vase (that you know is not going to burn or melt, like the one that you see on top, called “Incense Burner”) and while you are waiting for the coal to get white around the edges and a little bit on top, you will open every window of your home. Then put like a pinch of the incense on top of the coal, enough that will cover the top of the tablet. When you start to see the incense starting to burn, you will go to the furthest corner of your home from the front door and walk with your incense counter clock wise in each room of the house and hallways while moving closer to the front door. While doing this you can do a prayer that you like the most or from your own religion, while using the incense. (I have a catholic background so I do “The Lord’s prayer”, there should be a similar prayer in other religions) When you finish you whole home and you are on the front door, open the front door, leave the incense burning on the outside of the door. When finished with part, close the door and from the furthest part of your house moving towards the front, start closing all the windows that you open and that is it. (If you live in an apartment, open the door, swing back and forth your incense from inside to the outside of the apartment, then close the door and put the incense inside your apartment next to the door just in case you have nosy neighbors.) When the coal and the vase are cold again you can throw away the coal and if it is a vase that you use and want to save for future occasion, you can. Do this technique until you feel or think the negative energy is gone.
With this technique I also buy a 7 days “Saint Michael’s” candle and do a prayer. If you don’t want to do this step you don’t have to, but I think it helps well with the whole process.
B) The second technique I learned from my mother law. This will get whatever, energy, spirit is in your home and it’s easy. First buy a medium size empty spray bottle and camphor pills
and put three or four tablets into the spray bottle mixed 70% Isopropyl Alcohol. The alcohol does not have to go all the way to the top. Let the tablets dissolve (this could take like 2 to 4 hours). Then go around the house in no particular order or just the room that you think there is something. Spray it around the room and say “go back from you where you came from” and that’s it. This one works the first time every time.
C) If you feel that someone sent something bad your way. You can do this:
Take a Saint Michaels candle, you will light it up side down (I do this step over a toilet or sink or outside, just in case wax falls, I also bend the wick a little bit, so it lights up). Immediately when it lights up turn it up side again, put the candle where you want to leave it on and do this prayer (I like touching the candle while doing the prayer, but that’s just me. ) This is called the “Saint Michaels revocation prayer”:
“Saint Michael, because you are in charged of all the works in this world, I ask you and implore you in this solemn and day and hour. While I light this candle upside down, so you turn over and revoke every candle, work, spell or evil thought that comes my way and goes back to the body, senses and matter of my enemies and everything goes my way. That they suffer like Jesus suffered torments, falls, kicks and slaps.
That they see themselves denied of all humanity and principles that he did from Saint Peter.
That they see themselves in a world of captivity, desolation and with no coat or refuge.
That the three falls that Jesus suffered be the one that they suffer and that the last one be on my house door, asking me for forgiveness for the fault they committed.
Being my witness the sky and the stars. So be it.”
You will do the prayer once when you light the candle. Then see what happens to the candle during the week. What do I mean by this? You will need to read the candle.
How do we do this:
a. If you see dark smoke and the glass of the candle gets black. That means that there is something negative and is cleaning the energy. Also notice that the flame is bigger than a normal candle flame. If you see the candle like that, you will need to continue lightning “saint Michael's” candles and say the prayer every time you light it up until you see that the candle clears up. So, it may be two or three candles.
b. If the candle is normal size and it does not spew dark smoke and the glass is either cleared or a little white. That means that you are good and do not need to light up any other candle.
c. If the flame is low. It maybe that there is nothing else that you can do. Let it go out and this may take more than the normal 7 days.
d. If you light up the candle and is a big flame and it breaks the glass. It means that you broke the negative energy, or someone send you something negative and you were able to break it. Light a new candle and see happens with the candle during the week.
e. If you light up three or four candle in a row and they still burning black, then probably you need something more. If you practice any religion, you can try and go to your church or temple and pray but if it does not work or you don’t want to go then try a Holy bath. (You may need to go or call a spiritual store or Botanica and explain your situation ask what can you do.)
D) Cleaning your energy, or spiritual cleaning.
a. For Normal maintenance (every week to two weeks) or if you feel heavy and you don’t know what it is, (arguments or feel stuck.) I use “Agua Florida” Cologne.
You can buy the bottle but there is also soap. Now, both are great, but the soap dries up my skin, so I don’t like, but if you want to try that one go ahead. (Note: Beware if you have sensitive skin and are really allergic) I use the cologne once at the end or beginning of the week. I put it in my hands and try to rub all over my body. Then after a few minutes I take a shower. (I don’t like the smell of it, but I know people that leave it on). It works and it clears everything. Don’t overdo it and use it every day. I don’t know why, but it seems that if you use it too much, it may strip away your natural spiritual protection. (That’s my theory) I think is like cleaning your hands too much, you can eventually strip away your skin.
b. The Holy Bath
There are a lot of ways to do this, there are bath bombs, there soaps and there are “baths”. So, like I said before if you see that after 3 or 4 candles, they are still turning black, you will have to do this.
I think that the most basic bath is the one that has the “Holy Hissup” with any other bath that you want, if you want to clear your path use “Holy Hissup” with “Road Opener” bath, if you want to clear negative energies “Holy Hissup with “Saint Michaels” bath. (Like I said before got to a spiritual store and you may have way more baths. But I think that the Holy Hissup is the basis and then combine it with the bath that you want, it maybe the same as the candle you were burning.)
1. Get a empty milk gallon (clean it with water) or empty gallon of water.
2. Divide the amount the amount of Holy Hissup and the bath that you want to use by 7. (I take the bath bottle and mark it, with a magic marker, the amount that I am going to poor into the gallon. It is for 7 baths). Then filled the gallon with warm water. Take a normal shower and then after you finish. You will start this prayer. Psalm 51 that goes like this:
according to your steadfast love;
according to your xabundant mercy
yblot out my transgressions.
2 zWash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
and acleanse me from my sin!
3 bFor I know my transgressions,
and my sin is ever before me.
4 cAgainst you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil din your sight,
eso that you may be justified in your words
and blameless in your judgment.
5 Behold, fI was brought forth in iniquity,
and in sin did my mother conceive me.
6 Behold, you delight in truth in gthe inward being,
and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.
7 Purge me hwith hyssop, and I shall be clean;
zwash me, and I shall be iwhiter than snow.
8 Let me hear joy and gladness;
jlet the bones kthat you have broken rejoice.
9 lHide your face from my sins,
and yblot out all my iniquities.
10 mCreate in me a nclean heart, O God,
and orenew a right2 spirit within me.
11 pCast me not away from your presence,
and take not qyour Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.
13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners will rreturn to you.
14 Deliver me from sbloodguiltiness, O God,
O tGod of my salvation,
and umy tongue will sing aloud of your vrighteousness.
15 O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare your praise.
16 wFor you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it;
you will not be pleased with a burnt offering.
17 The sacrifices of God are xa broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
18 yDo good to Zion in your good pleasure;
zbuild up the walls of Jerusalem;
19 then will you delight in aright sacrifices,
in burnt offerings and bwhole burnt offerings;
then bulls will be offered on your altar. Amen
3. On verse #7 where it says “Purge me hwith hyssop, and I shall be clean…”, you will start pouring the bath all over yourself. Because your pouring the bath all over yourself you may need to let go of your phone, tablet or paper where you were reading the psalm, until you finish pouring the water.
4. When you are finished, continue with the psalm 51 prayer all the way to the end.
5. Now, it may be cold but you have to let the bath dry on your skin, you cannot use a towel. After you dry, dress like you normally would.
6. Do this for 7 days and when you finish with your baths. Light the candle that was turning black and see if it cleared up.
(Note: I will continue adding and editing this page.)